Live (but why do not you come?), Plus the coach and part of the engaged-fans:)
The evening was fun, a succession of teasing, laughter, accidents (true Ros? XD ) and applause ... not too much that we were cordially invited by our neighbors to the table to do a little more slowly ... But as good Calimera: they just pissed off the pot!
antipastoni Among the meats, grilled vegetables, mozzarella, ricotta and mixed fried meats, and giant pizzas and trunks filled, we had a lot of laughs and we exchanged Christmas greetings; more Calimera gave us a gift, a cute calendar with our photo team mad, Thanks Captain! (Applause for Calimera, clap clap clap clap: p)
We gave the gift to the coach, a gray sweater with a beautiful striped shirt with the very fashionable greeting card with the Ten Commandments Mentos team;)
After dinner, the coach brought us champagne and kisses from Perugia to celebrate together (cheers for the coach, clap clap clap clap: p) and told us (because now he has said, we After all ...) that will remain our coach;) The sparkling wine was greatly appreciated by all, especially the t-Giulia, which also celebrated five months with his Ale (Auguri!!), and remained victim of a water balloon (accidentally) by Calimera and his glass of champagne! : P
Comedy also Merenda, stuck in the middle of the table and thus forced out of going under the table: D
After dinner, after taking the inevitable group photo, a part of us, at the suggestion of Margie ( Marghe applause, clap clap clap clap: p), decided to go eat tiramisu pumped: I tried the tiramisu and banana nutella ... bono, but a blow to the liver!
Then we said goodbye and we were given appointment to Tuesday, December 23, the last training session before Christmas ...
At our health and the team to victory! XD
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