First game and first victory for us, that we are still far from delivering a decisive game as we do, but this morning on the New Salary field we made our first three points. Three to zero
dry, with partial 13-25, 18-25, 23-25 \u200b\u200bagainst a team with good potential, but that was wrong a lot especially in attack.
In the first set it all seems too easy, so we decided to complicate my life ... 8-24 very clear to us, moment of loss and the opponent gains 5 points well, it's okay, we must learn not to give too much even with these partial ...
In the second set there is the unknown score ... not malicious, but I think the scoreboard does not always indicate the correct score ... cmq we have to play and play, our opponents grow a bit but not enough, the second set is ours.
One thing we learn is that games are won when you put on the ground the twenty-fifth point in the third set, of course, the opponents have attempted everything to not let go of the game ... the set was played point by point and we were even below a couple of points in the middle set, but we kept playing and then squirt it took him a leg in the courts, bringing about 24-22 for us and then finish the race on an error by the opponents.
game that deserves a 6:30 for the result and morale, but certainly not a brilliant performance ... We were wrong then, too, especially in stop (mea culpa) and we were not very precise with the supports and the positions that we suggested the coach.
Wanting to play down a bit I would say that definitely deserve mention the point of free Jessica, Filomena's quip that made Filotto hitting all three players received, the wall of Spizzo (!!!) sketch, which went from jumping two bulging eyes that even she did not believe, and the point ping-pong of Alexandria, who is adept in a unique one on one subnet with the opposite opponent, having then the best with a long ball in an area;)
This week we expect a tour-de-force, training tomorrow and Wednesday, again in the field for the second day at home against the Black Eagles. We must hold on, roll up our sleeves and work hard, because both the objective we all know what is ... ;)
Force Mentos!
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