A day in the woods of Pratorosso there was a heated debate among animals.
The rabbit said: "The most important thing is to have long ears. Who has long ears quickly notice of every little suspicious noise, thunder, the danger and can escape in time. "
"Maybe so" other people think.
"I do not agree," said the hedgehog "the most important thing are the spikes. Who has the spines is safe and protected. "
"Maybe so" other people think.
"not true" said the giraffe "only those with long necks to reach tender leaves of the trees, even when the grass is dry and the ground is dry."
"Maybe so" others think.
"I say, 'said the frog" that the most important thing is to be green, to blend in and escape from predators. "
"Maybe so" other people think.
"If this is" screeched the bird "the most important thing is to have wings. No one can reach you if you fly high. "
"Maybe so" other people think.
"What do you think?! For me the most important thing is to be big, big, beautiful and above all have a long proboscis. "
"Maybe so" other people think.
"Oh, me without my webbed feet" said the goose "I could just swim. And most important, in addition to walking, and swimming. "
"Maybe so" other people think.
"Absolutely not," said the beaver. "The most important thing is to have teeth to eat big and strong, to defend and build the den."
"Maybe so" other people think.
"Maybe all these things are important," said the wise owl.
"All?" Said the others.
"No, not all together! Each of us has something important! "
And finally everyone agreed.
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