A big thank you to everyone who helped us, and they are many: the CNGEI and AGESCI Senigallia, which made us have a beautiful exhibition 100 years of Scouting prepared by FIS and very instructive, then the municipalities , Sirolo we wanted to give the seat to the hospital S. Michael, and we Numana has provided the room of the municipal council for meeting-debate Thursday, 17, and the beautiful hall on the ground floor of the exhibition-Minicipio, the President of the Conero Park for his support and the willingness, the commander of the Carabinieri of Sylvester Joseph for his valuable support, Prof. Cardinals Department of Culture of Numana who helped us in our purposes, the many-dibttito present at the meeting, introduced by Mirko Bilo ', mayor of Numa and the exhibition and, finally, all participants at the opening on Sunday 20, From mayor of Numa and the vice-mayor of Sirolo (Maria Teresa Zoppi) up to the president of the Park, the Commander of the Carabinieri, the friends of Senigallia, the many families of Ancona, and Sirolo Numana who wished to participate this nice event, a special thanks to all our senior , excited and involved: without them, the Scout Week 2008 would not have been possible, and our office is still unfit for use, a great hug to all, and Cubs all the cubs, Ancona and Sirolo-Numan, their leaders and their Akela, the Blue Cross Sirolo hosting them for the night, thank you, President Ciavattini.
Lunch flow, but also the lottery set up by the Cubs, had a great success, the funds raised will help defray the cost of changing the door.
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