freshest moments of madness! If I want to start all over again what should I do?
U_____U anyone has an answer .... well here I say ....... stupid dumbing down 'from the window, you will see great start! "
But I will be hurt? BOOOH ......( What kind of director I-_____ -)
Let's now time for serious stuff .... ....... THIS SERIES ARE THINGS? O____O are in a den of fools ...... Whom should I trust now .... the cameras on the table .... .... .... HEY sugl'oggetti PACKAGE TELL YOU, THAT I HAVE TO SAY DO? WHAT SHOULD I DO ?.............[ Endless moments of deep silence ]......... NOT FIXED COSIIIIIIII'!!!!! ç___ç ... OK ... I was found alone in the middle of the sheets ..... Oh directed pass me a sheet that said ... let's see: - We apologize for the leap of folly and unconditional and restless irreversible which continue to affect, like the plague did in Europe, but it is too funny our visions of the wild at least we can put in place. Have fun all of us, even you who read / see / hear all this. " BASTARDS OF SHIT ..... BUT A BAD END ..... I hope it is not possible in the crazy thousands flock to this place, it is absurd. I'll have to review my contract is not stable .... you can not work with all these people .... I'd be more lucky with the "Russian roulette" that worked here in this hotbed of hotheads COSAAAA ...... ? ç_____ç .... THE DIRECTOR SAYS: "If you want to pass a gun, you could always try and groped with roulette !".... They also laughed ... what 'laugh ... ......[ such silence ]...... AH ... but ... they said .... just .... damn ...... roulette ... bastards .... I would ammazzatto would give me a fully loaded gun with bullets. I WILL REPORT A DAY ..... but for what you ..... for attempted murder in a joke ?..... Ok I get mad that I am with them .... no wait .... BECOME HOW THEY INSANE If this goes OK'!.... Calmiamoci ......[ long, deep breaths ].... Ok news
-Ducks are quak! ... ... BUT IT 'S A NEWS THAT? BUT ..... ç__ç AIUTOOOOO!
We go beyond ....
-A tank falls in love with a security gate .......-____- I kidding? Let's see ..... well
-A Hurricane ......... and he smashed the bales of us who cares ..... I wonder WHAT THE DIRECTION TO BE MORE 'SENSITIVE .... but I do not care about the hurricane O____O ... .... alright ......[ BREATHING TAAAANTO ]......[ voice gone crazy, desperate, that borders on delusion] OMMIOOOOODIOOOOOOO A HURRICANE HAS LED TO A LARGE AMOUNTS OF DAMAGE IS .... OMMIODIOOOOOOO aaaaaaah man for himself'!....'s okay 'DIRECTOR ............. BUT HOW? O_____o
-Music is art ....... BUT NO !..... -_____-
-Brainless ..... Well we can not live without money even if this is seen as the world ...... I DO NOT LIKE COMMENTS ...... ç______ç getting worse! ç_____ç
(when do these idiozieeeee O___O)
-The tape is not a liquor ........ Oh my god this is madness .....[ looks directed ].... . Already I can not expect anything from them exasperated .......[ more]
-Butterflies are very colorful ..... O____O .. There is good news??
gag-law 2010 of the Italian government is a monstrous piece of shit ...... AH .... finally something serious ç__ç gioiaaaaa to cry .....
"The dogs do so much and wow, what a sweet puppy O___O notiziaaaaaaa ..... ..... to make tears ......... but I knew it .... already .... -___-
- BAU! O_____O .. there are no other news ... SAY'.... BAU ...... ..... oh God .... but here is the last straw for those who have taken me for your ... doll??
What? YOU SAID THAT GO WELL? WHO CAN I CONTINUE? O____O SAY 'pretend to do OTHER WRITER OF PURE MADNESS ... ESPECIALLY WITH ME ... [thinks long ]......... OK I'm fine IF I HAVE TO COME: D: D: D? ?
[]....... leaves the place and the other participants in the contest stopped him to ask how if it has been difficult. Learning from him ... .. a certain infamous Royal ...... says: "It is very difficult. Impossible. SISI U___U" Just out
DIES FROM LAUGHTER ....... do not know why .. . He died with laughter and happy back home!