what to say about this world in which we rest our lives?
It 's too small. E 'shabby. Reduced to an object under the will of those who command the most impressive parts of the world. Thousands of things can be said about this world, but when we stop to think too much about what's really going on, who really has control of everything, we should think of those "someone" who everyone knows in one way or 'else. We know that writing will not solve certain conditions of this long decline which we live. It seems sad that I'm writing, but apparently the reality does not give me no chance to disprove it. There are places and places where everything seems perfect, everything looks smooth and quiet. But they are rare oasis. We know perfectly well that there are places where everything turns to wonder, where is not expected to have fun, or otherwise never think the worst, but apparently these people are not very close to each other nor are many in this world. After a while one can see the boundaries that divide the oasis of peace from the lakes of clashes. Clashes are not easy to manage. Battles waged and other peaceful, verbal, ideological, religious. Clashes that seem to have overheard their own logic, but heard from the beginning, taken from the base and gaze up at the point ends seem to have only one thing in common: they are clashes between men of ideas and dogmas are covered to hide their own interests. This world deserves something more, but these people in this world do not care anymore. Maybe I'm wrong, but today the world seems to fall ..... or maybe I'm falling into something and call it .... the world!
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